Social projects

Yabloko's Campaign in Veliky Novgorod - 2021
A site to collect donations for Democratic candidates in Russian municipal elections in 2021. On the site there is detailed information about the candidates, instructions on how to send donations, also you can register as a volunteer to participate in the campaign.
Stack: OctoberCMS

G-Core Labs Web Studio
Web studio for organizing live broadcasts from the browser, without the need to use third-party software like OBS or VMix.
Stack: Vue, Express, MongoDB, Mediasoup, Puppeteer, FFmpeg

Chen Lab
Website of a Harvard laboratory specializing in eye diseases.
Stack: Laravel

An application and telegram bot for those who want to lose weight, with workouts, recipes, chat with specialists, etc.
Stack: Nuxt, PHP

Development of a turnkey IPTV service with own linear channels and an application for Android TV.
Stack: Vue (+ Quasar Framework), Laravel, nginx-vod-module

A website for a web development studio.
Stack: Vue, GSAP

Fili City
An interactive promotional website for a residential complex
Stack: Vue